BCS Provides Support for Mustang Ridge Police Department

On October 1, BCS supported the National Night Out Event hosted by the Mustang Ridge Police Department by providing use of their parking lots and donating ice and refreshments.  BCS has only been in their new office for a couple of years but has always answered a request for help from their neighbors the Mustang Ridge Police Department. Their first joint event was hosting a fundraiser for a police officer who was fighting cancer, other times we have helped with equipment and manpower when police chief has approached us.

Mustang Ridge Police Department and BCS Certificate of AppreciationThis annual Night Out event works to repair and build ties between the community and law enforcement.  Most areas in the United States hold their Night Out event in August, but a few areas, like Texas and Arizona, the event is held in the first week of October.  Mustang Ridge Police Chief, Roland Belmares, estimated that about 250 people stopped by and commented on how this was a significant increase from last year.  “Mustang Ridge is growing with new development all around the area. Next year’s event will be even bigger.  We appreciate BCS Concrete Structures for their support and thank them for helping make this event a success.”

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