Emerging Leaders Visit Martin Marietta Concrete Plant

Recently, the BCS Emerging Leaders Class of 2023-24 visited the Martin Marietta Ready Mix Plant in San Marcos.  Senior Sales Representative. Chris Keathley and BCS Senior Project Manager Reed Boyd organized the tour. Chris guided the group through the site from start to finish.  BCS Emerging Leaders asked questions about product quality, delivery challenges, raw material supplies and more.  The process showed how a specific mix specification is created and batched in delivery trucks according to customer orders.  

“It was great to be able to close the loop for our guys in the field and receive the intricate knowledge of the product we put in place,” said Reed Boyd, Senior Project Manager. 

the BCS Emerging Leaders Class of 2023-24 visited the Martin Marietta Ready Mix Plant in San Marcos.

To see our past concrete work, visit our portfolio and get a quote from us today.