Rachel Behne: Balancing Career as a BCS Project Manager and Military Service

Graduating from Texas State University in December 2023 and becoming a new Project Manager at BCS is challenging for anyone but imagine adding the duties of an Army Sergeant (US Army Reserves) to the mix.  One weekend per month and for two weeks every summer, Rachel Behne is a soldier.

“Since I joined the BCS family, I have had BCS leadership support for my military career (Executive Vice President Ben Horton is a former Marine and Vice President of Safety and HR Todd Smith served in the Army with 82nd Airborne) and I have had full cooperation from the company.  BCS is pro-military, and I am glad to be part of the team.”

Now Rachel is running multiple projects for BCS and at the same time managing a platoon of Army reservists who are transitioning from training in the middle east to training for winter operations.  Rachel’s military job or MOS (Military Occupational Specialty) is 12R or Electrician, but she is responsible for all aspects of vertical construction.

“My favorite thing to do in military experience is to train and lead soldiers.  In one mission, my team was tasked with building a structure and my role was to manage the team and our mission.”     

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