Recently BCS started their second ACI (American Concrete Institute) Study Course led by General Superintendent Leonel Perez. While several students only missed passing the ACI test by a few points last year, Perez was the only student from the previous BCS ACI class to pass the test. “The test is offered in both English and Spanish, but because of the Spanish version was written in Michigan there are some regional differences between Texas Spanish used for concrete specifications and those used in Michigan. Perez, who is bilingual, decided to try to prepare for the English test, thought that the English version would be easier to understand.” Perez was correct in his assumption and scored the minimum passing score of 80 to receive his certification as a Concrete Flatwork Finisher
The ACI class at BCS consists of 10 weekly meetings where students discuss each chapter’s content while viewing a Power Point presentation and then taking a chapter quiz as a group to discuss any issues related to the topics. Anyone at BCS can participate; however, many students are Superintendents, and a few are Project Managers. Upon completion of the course, students will take a practice test and those who score 80 or above will be given the opportunity to take the real ACI test. This is a timed, two-hour exam, given at the Central Texas ACI office and requires pre-registration with test takers only allowed a simple calculator and a pencil when they enter the test center.
Perez is happy to help improve BCS any way he can, “I enjoy teaching and sharing my knowledge of concrete with our team, and I hope I can help them to be successful on this test” Perez said.
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